Interclean 2024 | Introducing Maxx Synbiotic

Visit us at Hall 7, Stand 402 & 404 and discover the transformative innovation of Maxx Synbiotic cleaning

LOCATION: RAI, Amsterdam

Are you ready for a transformative experience? Join us from the 14-17 May 2024 and be amongst the first ones to be introduced to our revolutionary Maxx Synbiotic range, innovated to redefine industry standards. Let our experts provide you exclusive insights about the technology of Maxx Synbiotic and guide you through each product, highlighting its unique features and benefits. Whether you're a facility manager, distributor, or cleaning professional, there's something special waiting for you!

Book your appointment today and experience our latest cutting-edge innovation first hand and receive a free sample to take home and test. We look forward to welcoming you to our stand.

Blue Background with 1L bottle outline, Maxx Synbiotic

Sustainability Presentations

Join our experts to learn how our smart cleaning solutions can empower your business to achieve significant climate action and water stewardship

Anja de Reus, Vice President Sustainability Europe, Ecolab

Water Presentation

Tuesday, May 14  |  13:00pm  |  Sustainability Stage, Hall 7

Water Presentation: How to protect your business & customers by adopting smart cleaning solutions

Hear from Anja de Reus, Vice President Sustainability Europe, Ecolab, who through practical, real-world cleaning examples, will discuss how adopting smart water-saving solutions can significantly reduce your water usage while maintaining the highest hygiene standards crucial for public health. This session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to protect your business, your customers, and our most precious resource: water. 

Marion Zwingenberger, European Expert, Technical Service & Training, Ecolab and Philippe Meunier, Senior Marketing Sustainability Manager Europe, Ecolab

Climate Presentation

Wednesday, May 15  |  12:00pm  |  Sustainability Stage, Hall 7

Climate Presentation: from CO2 reduction, to positive impact, to selecting and using the right cleaning program

Hear from Marion Zwingenberger, European Expert, Technical Service & Training, Ecolab and Philippe Meunier, Senior Marketing Sustainability Manager Europe, Ecolab, who will demonstrate how we partner with customers to help them meet their sustainability targets. This includes practical examples of product carbon footprint calculation and reduction strategies.

Left: Thomas Hansen, Vice President RD&E Europe, Ecolab and Right: Dr. Robin Temmerman, HeiQ Chrisal

Future of Cleaning Technologies

Thursday, May 16  |  13:00pm  |  Healthcare & Hygiene Stage, Hall 12

Future of Cleaning Technologies Presentation: considering the evolving landscape shaped by factors like the European Green Deal and customer expectations

Hear from Thomas Hansen, Vice President RD&E Europe, Ecolab and Dr. Robin Temmerman, HeiQ Chrisal, who will explore the future of cleaning technologies, considering the evolving landscape shaped by factors like the European Green Deal and customer expectations and discuss how to assess disruptive technologies against traditional methods, taking legal considerations into account.

Soluciones destacadas

Clean your way to a sustainable future

Mops and Cloths on a wooden surface

Sustainable Cleaning Textiles

Cleaning textiles are an important component in the entire cleaning cycle. The right quality of cleaning textile ensures;

  • Cleaning results
  • Positive sustainable impact
  • Customer & employee satisfaction
  • Efficiency & profitability
Learn more about our professional cleaning cloths and mops for superior cleaning results.
MAXX S Group Image


Nuestra completa gama de productos con etiqueta ecológica con altas concentraciones de activos se ofrece en embalajes 30% materiales reciclados postconsumo y ofrecen grandes resultados de limpieza de manera sistemática para cumplir con los cada vez mayores requisitos de concienciación sobre temas de limpieza a la vez que proporcionan una eficacia sostenible.

Learn more about our climate friendly solutions that prevent waste and protect people and the planet.

Claim Your Free Sample of Our Latest Innovation

Our team of experts are looking forward to welcoming you to our sustainability island at hall 7, stand 402 & 404 where we will be unveiling our newest innovation. 

Book your appointment today and experience our latest cutting edge innovation first hand and receive a free sample to take home and test. 

Book Your appointment!

Benefit from the know-how of our cleaning experts and get all details about our latest innovations – and get a free sample to test these at home.

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